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Cancer – 8 links

An Overview of Cancer (in Pets) (Archived)

Information about cancer and treatment available from the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Caring for Pets with Cancer (Archived)

An educational site from the Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists.

Feline Cancer Resources «

A gateway or clearinghouse for the numerous information available on the Internet on cancer in cats.

Oncolink Vet

The Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania’s oncology information website.

OncoSite's Frequently Asked Questions (Archived)

Animal cancer FAQ from Texas A&M’s Veterinary Medical Center.

Sarcoma.net - Facts (Archived)

Sarcoma.Net was founded to help patients, their loved ones, and health care professionals access sarcoma-specific information that will be understandable, useful, fair, and unbiased.

Special-Needs Pets

The goal of this web site is to assist caregivers by putting comprehensive, high-quality information and resources at their fingertips.  If you are caring for a pet who has a physical disability, has a chronic or terminal illness, is recovering from a serious injury, is elderly and/or requires hospice care at home, or has emotional and/or behavioral problems, then I hope that you will find resources here that will help you to meet the unique challenges that come with living with a special-needs pet.

Veterinary Cancer Society

The Veterinary Cancer Society was formed in 1974 by an interested group of veterinary oncologists. It is a non-profit educational organization.


 This page was last updated on: Sunday, November 14, 2021