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       Alternative and Holistic Treatments – 13 links

Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy Referral List

List of certified homeopathic vets in country and state order.

Alpha Omega Labs «

Manufacturer of alternative health care products (including Cansema), specializing in cancer care.

Alternative Cancer Therapies«

A comprehensive list from the Wellness Directory of Minnesota.

Animal Health and Healing

Our commitment to our animal patients and their human companions is to practice what we call integrated veterinary medicine, by combining the very best that modern Western medicine has to offer with proven holistic modalities, ancient and modern.

Cancer Diet for Pets

From the Natural Pet Animal Hospital in Tinley Park, IL.

Note: This article has been archived. Some of the links in the article may not work.

Cancer Options

A collection of anecdotal data on feline cancers and the alternative medicines that were effective.

Note: This article has been archived. Some of the links in the article may not work.

Holistic Vet, The

Dr. Marc Bittan - Holistic Veterinary Healthcare


The Original Holisticat (TM) -- the place for cat lovers who wish to treat their cats using non-invasive means.

How to help your cat fight cancer naturally – HomeoAnimal.com

HomeoAnimal.com is an online store for homeopathic rememdies.

IP-6 & Inositol

Some people have found IP-6 (combined with Inositol) to be effective in fighting VAS.

Poly MVA

Poly-MVA is a unique nutritional supplement that is the first commercially available product in a new class of supplements known as palladium lipoic complexes. Proper supplementation provides and ensures that the essential nutrients for cell operation and protection that can strengthen the immune system and help to eliminate the deficiencies and weaknesses that can contribute to the development of serious degenerative illness, including cancer, arthritis, MS and other diseases.

PolyMVA Survivors

Our support group consists of patients and family members. Many of our members were given little if any hope of survival by existing conventional treatments. Other members have a high incidence of Cancer & other degenerative diseases in their families and are using Poly MVA as a preventative against disease & aging.


Note: This website has been archived. Some of the links in the website may not work.

Shirley's Wellness Cafe

Holistic Health for People and Animals. Oriented to self-care, this free educational web site is dedicated to help promote natural health for humans and their animals. Learn to achieve natural health for you, your family and your pets with alternative /holistic / complimentary / integrative and preventative methods of healing: homeopathy, herbs, urine therapy, hydrotherapy, raw foods & juices, therapeutic fasts, healing clays, sunlight, thalassotherapy (seawater), nutrition, naturopathy, biomagnetics healing, aromatherapy, reiki healing, flower essences and more. 


 This page was last updated on: Sunday, November 14, 2021